Perfect Pair Quiz

Our Goal

Improve new customer conversion


  • New customers are unfamiliar with the brand
  • New customers are overwhelmed with product selections
  • New customers are having trouble finding the right product


  • Narrow down product offerings to just our core product line will help people make a purchasing decision quicker
  • People will be more confident in their selections if they understand the value of our underwear

Client: MeUndies

Role: Senior Product Designer

Team: Jackie Eaton, Gray Gilmore

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Validated our hypothesis

We started with the initial test that focused on introducing key value props earlier in the customer journey and reducing the amount of choice presented to new users. 

We created a homepage banner that was only shown to new users and included product benefits that would normally be found on a product detail page. The call to action on this homepage banner 'Find Your First Pair' would lead users to a product listing page only displaying the 8 core underwear products for men and women. Our control in the experiment, the original homepage banner, focused on a new print release and led users to either shop the collection or reserve the print (if they are a member).

The test was completed and launched in a day with minimal effort from design and no engineering. We saw an increase in new customer conversion after running this test for 10 days.


We launched the two prototypes against our original control (the product listing page experience) and after 10 days of data, we learned that both prototypes improved conversion and AOV compared to our control.

Our goal was simply to create an experience where new users could provide some details about the type of underwear that best fit their needs and interests, and not have to worry about finding the styles, colors, and prints most relevant to them. 


Ultimately, the Perfect Pair Quiz outperformed the Picker. 

- Perfect Pair Quiz earned 18.8% more per session than the control
- Perfect Pair Quiz had a subscription rate improvement of 25.32% over the control (despite not having a direct callout to membership until the cart screen)
- Perfect Pair Picker had a subscription rate improvement of 29.11% over the control

01 - The Perfect Pair Quiz

The Perfect Pair Quiz is an interest-based flow that generates a set of curated results based on the user’s responses to questions about the preferred cut(s), color, and activities. A user can end up with a list of up to six pairs of underwear that are recommended based on inventory available in their size and their indicated preferences.

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02 - Perfect Pair Picker

The Perfect Pair Picker is a streamlined flow that generates a single result based on preferred cut and the user’s size. The colors shown are only those available in the size selected by the user.

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Selected Works

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The Black Tux - Look BuilderFormalware Rental - E-commerce

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