The Black Tux

During my time at The Black tux as a senior product designer, I helped establish design processes and collaboration tools for the product design and the engineering team. I also developed the brand digital guidelines and streamlined UI elements and UX patterns.

'Renting a suit has never been easier.' 

The Black Tux is an online provider of men's tuxedo and formal wear rentals that is looking to disrupt the tuxedos and suits rental business by offering high-quality materials and an exceptional fit at a respectable price. The company designs and manufactures its own line of formal wear and provides door-to-door delivery and pick-up to customers across the United States. The Black Tux's mission is to help the customer shows up looking their best on the days that matter most. 

Client: The Black Tux

Role: Senior Product Designer

Team: Jackie Eaton (Designer)


Selected Works

GlamsquadBeauty services - iOS App

ChargeFuzePortable Mobile Charger - iOS App

Google Smart Display GameVoice-controlled Game

DatPiffMusic - iOS App

Mastercard PricelessTravel - iOS & Android App

MeUndies - Perfect PairRetail - E - Commerce

House Of SpoilsArt Photography - E-commerce

MeUndies - Build-a-PackRetail - E-Commerce

Our PlaceE-Commerce

The Black TuxFormalware Rental - E-commerce

The Black Tux - Look BuilderFormalware Rental - E-commerce

FealsMembership Program

Mastercard OikosFinance - iOS App

Marc JacobsFashion - E-commerce

David YurmanWeb Design